ARMA is hosting a Cybersecurity Summit on October 24th at the Texas State Campus in Round Rock. This event will include a day full of presentations to help executives navigate the world of cybersecurity and how it is important to manufacturing companies. Coffee, refreshments, and lunch will be provided for this session. 

Presented By:

As the world becomes more automated and interconnected through billions of network connections, cyber incidents are occurring with more regularity.  Manufacturing facilities are increasingly automating and becoming more connected to the internet and vulnerable to cyber-attacks that can range from ransomware attacks to theft of IP. Many manufacturers fail to realize that the exposure in not just the computer systems they have running on the factory floor or in the back office, but can also include innocuous systems such as phones or even a printer connected to the internet.  
And for those manufacturers who think they are too small to be a target, this belief is exactly what the hackers want you to believe.  Cyber criminals are lazy and look for the easiest targets. In our summit, we will hear from the insurance industry as to the trends they are seeing and how they are adjusting coverage.  We will hear from legal as to the implications that come from a cyber incident.  We will go through specific examples of how manufacturers suffer financial damage due to cyber incidents.  We will cover off new CMMC requirements, which is a standard for all manufacturers to follow, and finally close out the summit with practical steps on what to do going forward to protect your business. 

CyberSecurity in Manufacturing
A summit for Operational Executives with a focus on Cybersecurity and all the measures to take to keep your company safe.

Hear from experts in the industry!


9am to 9:15am - Registration and Check-in

Breakfast and Coffee sponsored by INSURICA

9:15am to 9:30am - Opening Remarks

9:30am to 10:10am - What Your Insurance Company is Trying to Tell You (INSURICA)

10:15am to 11:00am – What Your Law Firm is Trying to Tell You 

Session sponsored by Husch Blackwell

11:05am to 11:50am – I’m Too Small for Hackers to Care – WRONG! (CYMANII)

11:50am to 12:30pm Break for Lunch

Lunch sponsored by RSM

12:30pm to 1:10pm – Are You Prepared for CMMC – Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification (RSM)

1:10pm to 1:55pm - Adopting a Plan of Action - How to plan, prepare and respond to a cyber incident (CONTIGO TECHNOLOGY)

2:00pm - Questions and Closing


Texas State University - Round Rock Campus

1555 University Blvd
Round Rock, TX 78665

October 24, 2024
9:00am - 2:00pm

Register Here

Contact Liz Gori at for any questions. 

ARMA CyberSecurity Summit

Register Now

  • Thursday Oct 24 2024, 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM
  • 1555 University Blvd
    Round Rock,