Join us for ARMA’s first luncheon of the year! We will hear from Pia M. Orrenius, a labor economist at the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, working on regional economic growth and demographic change. She manages the regional and microeconomics group in the Dallas Fed Research Department, is executive editor of the publication Southwest Economy and co-edited Ten Gallon Economy: Sizing up Economic Growth in Texas (2015, Palgrave MacMillan).  This session will specifically address Texas manufacturing sector, with a discussion focused on most recent data from the Texas Manufacturing Survey and what it means.  There will also be a discussion on how you can participate as a survey member.



Tuesday, February 11th, 2025
11:00am - 1:00pm


Better Business Bureau

1805 Rutherford Lane

STE 100

Austin, TX 



11:15am Registration and Networking

11:30am Doors Open for Seating 

12:00pm - 12:45pm Lunch and Presentation

12:45pm - 1:00pm Q&A



Members: $65.00

Non-Member Manufacturer: $75.00

Non-Member Service Provider: $105.00


**Please note per ARMA policy that all NON-MEMBER Banks, Wealth Managers, Insurance, and Staffing companies must get prior approval before registering to attend luncheons**

ARMA February Luncheon: Dallas Fed Updates

Register Now

  • Tuesday Feb 11 2025, 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM
  • Better Business Bureau
    1805 Rutherford Lane
    Austin, Texas
    United States